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What's Happening

We have been meeting for Sunday worship services and Christian Formation and are gradually restarting our regular ministry activities described below.


You can find regular church events and other events in our building here.


NOTE: Right now, J5 Prayer and Second Sunday Prayer are "on hold".

Praying Together

James 5 teaches us to pray when we need help. We pray together in the Fellowship Hall before the worship service each Sunday morning.

J5 Prayer

every sunday @ 9.15a


On the second Sunday of the month, we gather after worship to pray together for our community, state, and world.

second sunday Prayer

2nd sundays @ 12.15p

Support Groups

Our women's ministry meets the third Thursday each month for fellowship and discipleship.


each month @ 7.00p

At the Dinner Table

We share a meal and fellowship around the table after Sunday service once each quarter.



first sunday of the quarter

Grace Covenant Church
Member of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)



10201 Nicollet Ave S

Bloomington, MN 55420

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©2024 Grace Covenant Church.

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